International postal items
 | International letter mail:
The postal card is the postal item that looks like a form which is made according to the established standard and includes open message in writing. Postcards can be sent by ordinary or registered mail.
Overall dimensions:
- Maximal: 120 x 235 mm;
- Minimal: 90 x 140 mm.
Ordinary postal card
Procedure of sending: it is put into a collection postal box by sender.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered to the address indicated by the sender through household postal boxes or post office boxes.
Registered postal card
It is the postal card that is sent according to the registered procedure by means of air- or surface mail service.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under his signature.
The letter is the postal item with the written notification or document enclosed.
Kind of Content: various kinds of written notifications, business papers, receipts, invoices and photos.
Overall Dimensions:
- Maximal: sum of length, width and thickness should not exceed 900 mm, and the biggest dimension should amount to 600 mm at the most;
- Minimal: 90 x 140 mm.
The sum of length and double diameter of rolls amounts to 170 mm (the biggest dimension should not exceed 100 mm).
Weight: up to 2 kg.
Ordinary Letter
It is sent according to the ordinary procedure.
Procedure of sending: it is put into a collection postal box by a sender or presented at a postal service office for dispatching.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered to the address indicated by the sender through household postal boxes or post office boxes.
Registered Letter
It is the letter that is sent according to the registered procedure by means of air- or surface mail service.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office and the sender will receive the document (receipt) that confirms the event of postal item postage.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under signature.
Literature for the blind (secograms)
Literature for the blind (secogram) is the postal item that is accepted for delivery in open form with enclose of written notifications made by Braille printing, printed publications for blinds, cliché with Braille-ABC signs as well as sound recordings and the special paper intended for blinds exclusively.
Overall Dimensions:
- Maximal: sum of length, width and thickness should not exceed 900 mm, and the biggest dimension should amount to 600 mm at the most;
- Minimal: 90 x 140 mm.
The sum of length and double diameter of rolls amounts to 170 mm (the biggest dimension should not exceed 100 mm).
Weight: up to 7 kg.
Ordinary secogram
It is sent according to the ordinary procedure.
Procedure of sending: it is put into a collection postal box by a sender or presented at a postal service office for dispatching.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered to the address indicated by the sender through household postal boxes or post office boxes.
Registered secogram
Literature for the blind that is sent according to the registered procedure by means of air- or surface mail service.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office and the sender will receive the document (receipt) that confirms the event of the postal item postage.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under signature.
Items in wrapper (Wrapper)
Wrapper is the postal item that includes printed papers, business papers, and goods for cultural-and-social and other purpose.
Kind of Content: printed production (forms, brochures and posters), photos, albums, printed mass media means, notebooks, notepads, business documents, fiction and other literature and printed advertising information.
Packing: depending on kind of goods dispatched the wrapper content is packed into folders, cases, boxes, envelopes, polyethylene little bags or wrapped in Craft-paper.
Overall Dimensions:
- Maximal: sum of length, width and thickness shall not exceed 900 mm, and the biggest dimension should amount to 600 mm at the most;
- Minimal: 90 x 140 mm.
The sum of length and double diameter of rolls amounts to 170 mm (the biggest dimension should not exceed 100 mm).
Weight: up to 5 kg.
Ordinary wrapper
It is sent according to the ordinary procedure.
Procedure of sending: it is presented at a postal service office for dispatching or put into a collection postal box by a sender (in the latter case it is advisable to note «Imprimes» in the left-upper corner of the wrapper face side).
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered to the address indicated by the sender through household postal boxes or post office boxes.
Registered wrapper
This wrapper is sent according to the registered procedure by means of air- or surface mail service.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office and the sender will receive the document (receipt) that confirms the event of the postal item postage.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under signature.
Insured postal items
Insured items are the postal items with securities, important documents or valuable items enclosed the value of which are defined by the sender.
Kinds of Content: securities, important document (with the exception of those ones prohibited for dispatching), national currency and numismatic (paper money) samples, international currency, payment documents and charge cards of international payment systems issued by authorized banks in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation.
Overall Dimensions:
- Maximal: sum of length, width and thickness should not exceed 900 mm, and the biggest dimension should amount to 600 mm at the most;
- Minimal: 90 x 140 mm.
The sum of length and double diameter of rolls amounts to 170 mm (the biggest dimension should not exceed 100 mm).
Weight: up to 2 kg.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office and the sender will receive the document (receipt) that confirms the event of the postal item postage The insured items that shall be sent to physical persons are accepted open for examination of content.
In the case of dispatching in an insured item of the Ukrainian and foreign currency (in the amount of 100 USD at the most), payment documents and charge cards that are comply with established regulations, the sender fills in the customs declaration CN23 in number of copies specified in the section “General terms of international items acceptance and list of goods prohibited for dispatching in postal items”.
The amount of declared-value of insured item shall not exceed the real cost of its content and amount specified in the “General terms of international items acceptance and list of goods prohibited for dispatching in postal items”.
The amount of declared value of documents subject to sending cannot exceed possible costs for renewal of these documents in the case of their loss.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under signature.
Small packets are international registered postal items that contain samples of goods, small items of gift and other kind.
Overall Dimensions:
- Maximal: sum of length, width and thickness should not exceed 900 mm, and the biggest dimension should amount to 600 mm at the most;
- Minimal: 90 x 140 mm.
The sum of length and double diameter of rolls amounts to 170 mm (the biggest dimension should not exceed 100 mm).
Weight: up to 2 kg.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office and the sender will receive the document (receipt) that confirms the event of the postal item postage The insured items that shall be sent to physical persons are accepted open for examination of content. When posting, sender fills in the customs declaration CN22, where he describes the content of small packet and specifies its value.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under signature.
Bags "М" are registered international postal item (special-purpose bag) used for enclosure of printed papers (books, newspapers, magazines etc.). It is dispatched by one sender to one addressee (recipient) located in one destination point.
Weight: up to 30 kg.
Procedure of sending: it shall be presented at a postal office for dispatching.
When the bag "М" is accepted for transmission, the sender fills in the customs declaration CN22, as well as the address label of rectangular form. The label dimensions are 90 x 140 mm at least. Requisites of addressee (recipient) and sender should be inscribed in it. The address label should be made of adequately strong material, thick cardboard, plastic material or paper and supplied with holes for strings.
International Parcels
The parcel is the postal item with cultural-and-social and other purpose goods enclosed which are permitted by legislation for transmission.
Parcels can be ordinary and insured ones.
Insured parcel is that one which is accepted for transmission with valuation of the content defined by the sender.
Overall Dimensions: any dimension should not exceed 1 050 mm. The sum of length and biggest perimeter (circle length) measured in any direction (with the exception of length) should not exceed 2 000 mm.
For cumbersome parcels: any dimension should not exceed 2 000 mm. The sum of length and biggest perimeter (circle length) measured in any direction (with the exception of length) should not exceed 3 000 mm.
The minimal overall dimensions amount to 90 x 140 x 50 mm.
Weight: requirements for the maximal parcel weight depending on every country are indicated in the section “General terms of international items acceptance and list of goods prohibited for dispatching in postal items”.
Packing: parcel packing should be in conformity with the kind of content, period and terms of transmission.
Procedure of sending (for ordinary and insured parcels): they are presented to the postal office and accepted open for examination of content.
Sender fills in the Dispatch note form СР71 or Manifold set СР72 as well as the Customs declaration CN23 for every parcel.
The dispatch note form СР71 is filled by sender in one copy. The addresses of recipient and sender should be written on the parcel and on the dispatch note form СР71 using the destination country language or in French or English with the duplication of country name in Ukrainian. Addresses shall be indicated fully and clearly. Using of pencil for writing the addresses, with exception of chemical one, is not allowed. The addresses written on parcel and on the dispatch note form СР71 should be the same.
On the dispatch note СР71 the sender must specify (by ticking off at the specified place) the measures that should be taken if the parcel was not handed-over to addressee. Sender should specify only one instruction.
In the dispatch note form СР71 the amount of declared-value in the national currency is also indicated.
The customs declaration CN23 consists of number of copies specified in the section “General terms of international items acceptance and list of goods prohibited for dispatching in postal items”, but there should be no less than 3 of them. In the customs declaration CN23 You should specify the full addresses of sender and addressee (recipient), name of every good subject to transmission, its mass and value.
The insured parcels can be sent on terms of cash-on-delivery (COD) to those countries with which the bilateral Agreement on COD Postal Items Exchange was concluded.
Procedure of delivery: it is delivered and handed-over to addressee (recipient) under signature.
Parcels can be sent:
- With confirmation of delivery
- With notes "Hand over personally" and "Delivery by courier"