Transmission of postal items
The domestic postal items are the items accepted for transmission within the territory of Ukraine.
Select one of subsections:
Transmission of postcards.
The postcard is an open letter (letter-card) intended for the brief written notification.
Postcards are split into:
- Ordinary one:
Procedure of transmission: the sender drops them into a letter-box.
Procedure of delivery: the postcards are delivered by dropping into a house-hold postal box;
- Registered one:
Procedure of transmission: the postcards are posted in a post-office.
Procedure of delivery: the postcards are delivered and handed-over to an addressee (recipient) under the signature.
Advantages of transmission of registered postcards:
- Confirmation of posting in the form of receipt provided to the sender;
- Recording in the working documents throughout the transmission;
- Confirmation of delivery (delivery under the signature).
When posting a registered postcard these services are available:
-”Delivery in person” – a postcard is transmitted along with the registered advice of delivery and is delivered to the recipient in person.
-”With the advice of delivery” – the notification where we will inform to whom and when (to the addressee or his/her representative) your postal item is delivered.
Transmission of letters.
The letter is a postal item including the written message or document.
The nature of Content: various kinds of written messages.
Packing: postal envelopes, special envelopes made of polymer materials or solid paper.
Letters are fallen into:
- Ordinary ones:
Procedure of transmission: the sender drops them into the letter-box or into special postboxes installed inside post-offices. If letters are too big to be dropped into the letter-box, they are posted via post-office.
Procedure of delivery: letters are delivered by dropping into the house-hold postal box of the addressee;
- Registered ones:
Procedure of transmission: letters are posted in the post-office with the provision of a receipt that confirms the posting.
Procedure of delivery: letters are delivered and handed-over to the addressee under the signature.
- Ones with evaluation of content value (declared value) defined by the sender
Procedure of transmission: letters are posted in the post-office with the provision of a receipt that confirms the posting.
Procedure of delivery: letters are delivered to the addressee under the signature in the post-office.
Advantages of transmission of registered letters and declared-value letters:
- Confirmation of posting (the sender is provided the receipt);
- Recording in the working documents throughout the transmission;
- Confirmation of delivery (under the signature).
When posting a registered letter and declared-value letter these services are available:
-”Delivery in person” – letters are sent with the registered advice of delivery and delivered to the addressee in person.
-”With the advice of delivery” – the notification where we will inform to whom and when (to the addressee or his/her representative) your postal item is delivered.
Declared-value letters can be accepted with the content description and paid as “cash on delivery”.
Transmission of wrappers
Wrapper is a postal item that includes printed publications, business papers, and items intended for cultural, social and other purpose.
Nature of Content: printed matter (forms, brochures and posters), photos, albums, printed mass media, notebooks, notepads, business documents, fiction and other literature and printed advertising information.
Packing: the wrapper content depending on the kind of transmitted objects is packed into folders, cases, boxes, envelopes, plastic bags, cardboard boxes or wrapped in Craft-paper.
Wrappers are fallen into:
- Ordinary ones:
Procedure of transmission: the sender drops them into the letter-box or into special postal boxes installed in post-offices. If letters are too big to be dropped into the letter-box, they are posted via post-office.
Procedure of delivery: wrappers are delivered by dropping into the house-hold postal box of the addressee;
- Registered ones:
Procedure of transmission: registered wrappers are posted in the post-office with the provision of a receipt that confirms the posting.
Procedure of delivery: registered wrappers are delivered and handed-over to the addressee under the signature.
- Ones with evaluation of content value (declared value) defined by the sender
Procedure of transmission: declared-value wrappers are posted in the post-office with the provision of a receipt that confirms the posting.
Procedure of delivery: declared-value wrappers are delivered to the addressee in the post-office under the signature.
Advantages of transmission of registered wrappers and declared-value wrappers:
- Confirmation of posting (the sender is provided the receipt);
- Recording in the working documents throughout the transmission;
- Confirmation of delivery (under the signature).
When posting a registered wrapper and declared-value wrapper these services are available:
-”Delivery in person” – declared-value wrappers are sent with the registered advice of delivery and delivered to the addressee in person.
-” With the advice of delivery” – the notification where we will inform to whom and when (to the addressee or his/her representative) your postal item is delivered.
Declared-value wrappers can be accepted with the content description and paid as “cash on delivery”.
Transmission of the literature for the blind (secograms).
The secogram is the postal item accepted for transmission in an open form and includes written messages in Braille print, as well as printed publications for the blind, clichй with Braille signs as well as audio recordings and the special paper intended for the blind only.
For more details on secogram transmission see the rules of provision of postal services.
Transmission of Postal Parcels
The postal parcel is the postal item with the content of objects of cultural, social and other purpose.
Nature of Content: various kinds of objects of cultural, social and production purpose, food of long-term preservation, printed matter, plants, bees, medicines, vegetables, fruit etc.
Packing: packages sold by postal facilities, cardboard boxes, soft coverings (small bags). Packing should suit the content and provide safekeeping of postal items.
The postal parcels are fallen into:
- Ordinary ones:
Procedure of transmission: for the individuals - parcels are posted open in the post-office, for the businesses – parcels are posted both open and closed with the provision of a receipt that confirms the posting.
Procedure of delivery: parcels are delivered to the addressee in the post-office under the signature.
- Ones with evaluation of content value (declared value) defined by the sender:
Procedure of transmission: for the individuals - parcels are posted open in the post-office, for the businesses – parcels are posted both open and closed with the provision of a receipt that confirms the posting.
Procedure of delivery: parcels are delivered to the addressee in the post-office under the signature.
Advantages of transmission of declared-value postal parcels:
- possibility to be offset for the partial (full) loss (damage) of content.
When posting an ordinary and declared-value postal parcel these services are avaliable:
- -” With the advice of delivery” – the notification where we will inform to whom and when (to the addressee or his/her representative) your postal item is delivered.
- On terms of “cash on delivery” – when posting the sender gives instructions to the post-office to collect the defined amount of value of the postal item from the addressee (recipient) and pay it back to the return address.
The postal parcels sent by individuals can be accepted with the content description (the sender fills in the form of content description in two copies). |